As an intercultural studies major, we talk about how strategic it is to learn the local music style and to use it in evangelism. It always seemed so strategic and practical to do that, but there's a reason that is so effective: music is the language of the soul. I am increasingly more convinced of it.
I am learning to relate to people through their preferred style of music. I recently decided to start learning Christian rap so that I can relate to a different culture. I started to learn mariachi because many of my coworkers love that music. It creates such open doors for soul moments.
But also, i need to be careful what music I am dwelling in. It hugely affects my mood. If I listen to praise and worship music--even if I am not in the "right mood" for it--it makes me focus more on God that day. I can tell a difference! If I listen to angry music, then I will be angry. I am allowing my soul to participate with the musicians I listen to. I've never set boundaries with music before, but I think that they really are necessary. I want to nurture and cultivate certain desires and passions and then not give free reign to others.
*disclaimer: sorry about my lazy communication in this post. Couldn't think well enough to write well.