I confess. Like all sophomore college students, I have been so stressed about what I am doing with my life. I am pretty sure I have wanted to be a missionary my whole life and now I am starting to realize all the different ways you can do that. I keep trying to pick the perfect role for me according to my interests and abilities. I keep begging God for an answer--What is your will for me, O God!
Instead...shouldn't we just ask God, what is your will? and then find our place inside of that? We cannot know God's will for us individually until we know his will for the church. Only then can we begin to see the good work he's prepared for us.
--All credit goes to my wonderful professor, Dr. Bartlotti.
Praise the Lord for giving us leaders with a passion for God's glory!
You are so right. I really admire the way you refocus your heart to align with God's will as opposed to making God's will conform to you. :) Dear, thank you for posting.