Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a short thought I stole

I confess. Like all sophomore college students, I have been so stressed about what I am doing with my life. I am pretty sure I have wanted to be a missionary my whole life and now I am starting to realize all the different ways you can do that. I keep trying to pick the perfect role for me according to my interests and abilities. I keep begging God for an answer--What is your will for me, O God!

Instead...shouldn't we just ask God, what is your will? and then find our place inside of that? We cannot know God's will for us individually until we know his will for the church. Only then can we begin to see the good work he's prepared for us.

--All credit goes to my wonderful professor, Dr. Bartlotti.
Praise the Lord for giving us leaders with a passion for God's glory!

Friday, February 5, 2010

30 Days of Prayer

Well, for my Intro to Islam class I was given a Frontiers 30 days of prayer book that takes your through different Muslim people groups that need prayer. I'm pretty excited about this. I've wanted to do something like this for a while, but I didn't really have anything to go off of. I know lately i have talked a lot about developing compassion for people across the world, and I think that getting on your knees and praying for them is a good place to start. So here it goes. Please pray with me.

Today I am praying for the people in Uzbekistan. Embarrassingly enough, I hadn't actually heard of this country before. From what I understand the creation of new churches is illegal, so the few believers who are there have to meet in homes or in old russian and korean churches. Anyone who is caught holding religious meetings in their homes are sentences to 17 years in prison and their possessions are confiscated. Also, the socio-economic situation there is pretty rough. they have a high unemployment rate, and consequently women are forced to provide for families through prostitution. There's a little bit of information that Frontiers provided. If you read this, please take a moment to pray for them. God cares deeply for these people.